Chapter: 7: Quote “Context informs content.”
Question: How can we ensure that our use of technology doesn’t take away from our intended purpose and distract our students?
Connection: After reading this section, I started thinking about the interview for EDL 600. The concern came up that reminds us that we need to be careful that with technology, our purpose isn’t lost. We want to integrate technology, but we don’t want it to change our lesson, just enhance it. This chapter explains how technology can change things whether we intend them to or not.
Epiphany: With the proper selection of applications, the content can be enhanced. We should not simply force a tool into the lesson, but have knowledge of them so that when the need arises, we can take advantage of what it can offer.
Chapter: 8
Quote: “Geeking out provides an experiential embodied sense of learning within a rich social context of peer interaction, feedback, and knowledge construction enabled by a technological infrastructure that promotes intense autonomous interest driven learning.”
Question: “What am I able to explore?”
Connection: This also connects to our interview assignment because it allows me to reflect on our conversation of collaboration in the schools technological infrastructure. This is something that takes place between all peers, teacher to teacher, student to student, or admin to admin.
Epiphany: I know that I am not comfortable yet with many things, but when I think about “Geeking Out”, I know that I am closer than ever. This makes me feel good because I know that I am making progress.
Chapter: 9
Quote: Imagine an environment where participants are constantly measuring and evaluating their own performances, even if that requires them to build new tools to do it.
Question: How do we help the experienced teachers, that are not used to using this language and using such devices, to feel confident in integration of technology in their classrooms if they are not offered assistance from their schools?
Connection: I can connect this to Tony Wagner’s book when he discusses the idea of teachers not utilizing what the students already have. Many teachers struggle to keep phones out of the students’ hands during class as opposed to finding a way to take that motivation and integrate it into the lesson.
Epiphany: Learning could happen continuously for our students if we can motivate them internally. This environment is there, but I do not utilize it due to my own comfort or lack of. I know that this is something that I am going to work on.
Question: How can we ensure that our use of technology doesn’t take away from our intended purpose and distract our students?
Connection: After reading this section, I started thinking about the interview for EDL 600. The concern came up that reminds us that we need to be careful that with technology, our purpose isn’t lost. We want to integrate technology, but we don’t want it to change our lesson, just enhance it. This chapter explains how technology can change things whether we intend them to or not.
Epiphany: With the proper selection of applications, the content can be enhanced. We should not simply force a tool into the lesson, but have knowledge of them so that when the need arises, we can take advantage of what it can offer.
Chapter: 8
Quote: “Geeking out provides an experiential embodied sense of learning within a rich social context of peer interaction, feedback, and knowledge construction enabled by a technological infrastructure that promotes intense autonomous interest driven learning.”
Question: “What am I able to explore?”
Connection: This also connects to our interview assignment because it allows me to reflect on our conversation of collaboration in the schools technological infrastructure. This is something that takes place between all peers, teacher to teacher, student to student, or admin to admin.
Epiphany: I know that I am not comfortable yet with many things, but when I think about “Geeking Out”, I know that I am closer than ever. This makes me feel good because I know that I am making progress.
Chapter: 9
Quote: Imagine an environment where participants are constantly measuring and evaluating their own performances, even if that requires them to build new tools to do it.
Question: How do we help the experienced teachers, that are not used to using this language and using such devices, to feel confident in integration of technology in their classrooms if they are not offered assistance from their schools?
Connection: I can connect this to Tony Wagner’s book when he discusses the idea of teachers not utilizing what the students already have. Many teachers struggle to keep phones out of the students’ hands during class as opposed to finding a way to take that motivation and integrate it into the lesson.
Epiphany: Learning could happen continuously for our students if we can motivate them internally. This environment is there, but I do not utilize it due to my own comfort or lack of. I know that this is something that I am going to work on.