I found Wesch's talk to be insightful and engaging. I was drawn in by the topic of the collaboration to solve real world problems. The idea of enggaing your students to connect, organize, share, collect, collaborate, and publish, seemed to be a lot to consider with my sixth graders in mind, but as I continued to listen to this presentation, I realized that this can be accomplished in a variety of ways and on a variety of levels. Although the examples given were expected to address the learning of a higher cognitive ability, I truly appreciated the idea to embrace and collaborate to solve common issues. I began to think about how I would really like to encourage students to own their learning, pursue research that interests them, and debate on one of the many problematic topics that arise in these youth's lives. Furthermore, I plan to teach my students how to share their findings on media networks and understand that "meaning is something you create, and not just find."