Caine’s Arcade was such an inspirational video. I think that the message here is to appreciate curiosity and allow children to explore. Students learn when they are interested, and they don’t just learn about the content in the classroom. Caine was encouraged to express his creativity and in doing so he not only learned about business management, but about himself as well. I feel that too often we limit our students and keep their creativity on a leash. In this video, Caine is taking the lead and that is what we want for our students in life. We want to build them up to be leaders in the outside and online community. I believe that this video did not challenge my beliefs, but did challenge my commitment. This was a great reminder for me to encourage more reflection in my teaching practices and commitment to the individuals in my classroom. After watching Hackschooling, I am able to build upon my reflection. I was pleased to have been introduced to this video as my students will soon be addressing the question, “What does it mean to be healthy?” This question seems to be the theme of this video, as the student expresses his concerns about whether or not teachers around the world are aware of the importance of their students’ happiness. I think that his response to the famous question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” was in a way obvious yet overlooked. We can be so wrapped up with standards that we push our students to all follow the same path just as he spoke of on the ski slopes. In reality, we know as adults that if you can do what makes you happy, then you are going to give it everything you have. If you are doing what makes you happy, you will find success. We know this as adults, so why are we not paying attention to it as teachers. | |